Make Sure That You Have Updated Frazer Recently Before You Create The Upload!
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Step By Step Frazer Instructions:
1. Open Frazer
2. Click on the “Customers” drop down menu and select option “8 – Upload to Finance Company”
3. A new window will open. If you DO NOT currently have any integrations setup here then, by default you will see the “Setup” tab FIRST.
4. On the “Setup” tab locate the “Auto Capital Express” setup button in the first column, second row.
5. Click the button to setup Auto Capital Express and a new window will open. Make sure the box that says “Enable File Creation” is checked.
6. *IMPORTANT* Please make sure that you remove the check on the option that says “Only Include Customers already selected in the Sale of Receivables program.”
7. Click the “Save” button.
8. The setup window will close and take the you back to the previous window.
9. Click back to the “Upload” tab and you should now see an Auto Capital Express button, Click Auto Capital Express and it will generate a data file and send it to us!
This completes the setup!
Now whenever the you need to upload data for your company, you can just go in and click the Auto Capital Express button on the “Upload” tab for fast funding on your auto loans!
Contact Us for More Info!